Forum Usage Policy

The discussion forums on this website have been set up by The Bromsgrove Society for the use of members and non-members. In using them you are required to comply with our Forum Policy:

  • You must keep to the topic of the forum. Posts off-topic may be moved, or copied, to a more suitable board by our team, without reference. Certain forums may be restricted to members or certain groups of members. Please contact us if you think you need another topic board.
  • You are responsible for the messages that you post to ensure that they do not breach copyright. If you infringe copyright, your post will be deleted by our moderators, and you could be locked out from using this forum.
  • The Bromsgrove Society cannot be held responsible directly or indirectly for the messages or content posted by others, and by choosing to take moderation action on the breaches of copyright by others The Bromsgrove Society is not assuming liability.
  • Advertising services of any kind and linking to boost search ratings, etc., are not allowed and will be removed and you may get banned.