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Perryfields & Whitford Vale

The Bromsgrove Society urges planners to reject applications on Perryfields and the Greyhound Junction

The Bromsgrove Society was extremely disappointed when the planning inspector went against the recommendations of the District Council, Whitford Vale Voice and the Society and granted outline permission for a development on Whitford Vale.

Since that decision, the developers for Perryfields and the Greyhound Inn have submitted new applications to the Council and have appealed to the planning inspector. The Bromsgrove Society has reviewed the plans and appeal documents and concludes that the applications and appeal should be refused on grounds of highways and heritage. In a 6 page document the Society outlined the issues with the highways and a 3 page document focused on the heritage aspects of the Greyhound Inn which developers want to demolish.

The Society comments on the highways focus on the issues of Perryfields spine road which is to be altered to deter traffic from using the road to travel between Kidderminster Road and Stourbridge Road. This will force traffic onto already busy roads in the town centre and to rat-run using the smaller roads such as Willow Road, Broad Street, All Saints Road, to name just a few. The Society is also concerned with the impact of additional traffic at key town centre junctions such as the Waitrose Island, the Island at St Peter's Church, the Parkside crossing - all of which already suffer from overuse and gridlock. Increased traffic will also have an impact on the villages of Fairfield and Catshill as the increased number of vehicles - including cars of homeowners, in addition to service and delivery vehicles - will try to avoid getting stuck in the town centre traffic.

The Society is in favour of retaining the Greyhound Inn building which possibly dates from the late 1700s. It was at the centre of the Rock Hill community, serving as an Inn since at least 1839 until its closure. Sadly the developers have done nothing to preserve this heritage asset since buying it a number of years ago. The Society is also concerned about the plans for a roundabout at this junction, not only due to the loss of the heritage building, but also the livelihood of the Rock Hill shop and the questionable design of the junction.  

A spokesperson for the Society said: "The Bromsgrove Society is keen to ensure the best outcome for the future of the town, and whilst we understand the need for extra homes, this can not be at the detriment of the people who have already made Bromsgrove their home. We urge residents to make their own comments via the Council's Planning Portal and to sign the petition calling for a Western Relief Road to take the strain off the town centre roads and reduce pollution https://www.change.org/p/bromsgrove-district-council-bromsgrove-needs-a-western-relief-road "

To download the Society's full submission click the Read More link.


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