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Annual Lecture Now Online

Alastair Moseley's lecture on the history of the Wychbold masts is now available on our YouTube channel.

The long-wave radio masts at Wychbold, near Droitwich were erected in 1934. With plans announced to decommission the masts by 2027, Alastair Moseley of the Bromsgrove Society looks back at their history, as well as campaigners' hopes to preserve the masts for future generations.

This presentation was given at Routh Concert Hall, Bromsgrove School on Tuesday 9th April 2024, as the 37th Annual Bromsgrove Lecture. In the presentation, Alastair describes how the BBC Transmitters came to be located near Bromsgrove, explains their role, and why they have been important, both nationally and internationally, for the past 90 years.

The presentation includes the 1935 film "Droitwich: The World's Most Modern Long Wave Transmitter", by John Griegson. A high-resolution version of the film is available at the British Film Institute website.

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